This past weekend was a good relaxing first weekend of my trip. My brother and his family took me down to Panama City Beach Florida for the weekend, well it was more of a trip for the kids that I was privileged enough to get to join. We left Friday afternoon after my sister-in-law and brother got off work. It was rather stormy all the way into town but we finally made it in around 8 local time (central standard time). We all got to bed early so that we could get to the beach in the morning.
The weather come morning was not wet but it was rather windy and overcast. We made the best of it and headed down to the beach. It was great to just sit in the sand and watch the waves come in, plus getting to play in the sand with my wonderful niece and nephew. After some fun on the beach we headed back to the condo to each lunch and play in the pool for a while (the ocean was just a bit too rough for the kids to play in the water). After some afternoon naps we decided to head down to Pier Park to do some shopping, play on the carnival rides, and get something to eat. All in all we had a great day just relaxing and having some fun.
Sunday we packed up and headed back home. Once home me and my niece and nephew played outside with the bubble guns before getting cleaned up and heading to bed. We were all worn out after an action packed weekend.
Today was just another relaxing day for me. I slept in a bit then headed out to the store to pick up some things to make for dinner. I had dinner ready for my brother and sister-in-law when they got home from work. Tomorrow will be my last full day, plans are to get things packed up so I can leave and head up to my brothers for his graduation weekend, and then hopefully head out to see my nephew play in his t-ball game (as long as the weather cooperates).
Until tomorrow,

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