Monday, February 9, 2009

Winning Small, Losing Big!

Well the title says it all, if my hands held I won a small amount, but if they didn’t hold then I was losing big amounts. I had quite a bit of coolers tonight as well, like QQ into QQ and AA, or KK into KK. Every time I got in big with a top hand it usually meant me getting in behind, hard to fold those big starting hands when you are getting action pre-flop.

I did make some errors tonight but they were for minor losses (I know these minor losses add up in the long run, so I am going to try and fix those leaks), but that is a part of learning. You have to learn from these mistakes though because if you don’t then you will just think these mistakes are not mistakes and that you are doing everything right.

Other than those few mistakes, I just feel that I am still running really poorly. I hope this bad run ends sooner rather than later, and that I am not totally broke before it happens.

Until next time,


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